Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund
Foundation Scotland, working on behalf of Highland Wind Limited, carried out consultation on the development of a community benefit fund for the Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm in 2022.
Community Benefit Fund
The fund would likely become available during the commissioning of the floating wind array project. The fund will support local projects that are focused on climate-smart initiatives.
'Inform and Inspire' Events
Foundation Scotland held online information sessions to hear about the development of a Fund and Projects which contribute to a climate smarter world with sustainability at their core. The sessions offered an opportunity to hear from people who live or work near the Aberdeen Bay Wind Farm, which provides the ‘Unlock Our Future Fund’. Guest speakers will include:
- Panel members of the Aberdeenshire fund to illustrate how and why the fund was established
- Foundation Scotland to discuss how the fund operates
- Two beneficiaries of the Aberdeenshire fund discussed how they've been able to take forward their projects thanks to the monies provided. Representatives of the Tarland Development Group shared their experience of developing an education building with a green roof which is enhancing local biodiversity - particularly in supporting bee populations. Representatives of the Aberdeenshire Sailing Trust will share their experience of greening leisure activities.
Skills Development
The Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm is also supporting an Education and Training Fund, which provides scholarships to select students from Thurso and Farr High Schools who are going on to higher education and training courses focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and Renewable Energy. We are working with the high schools directly to deliver this. The first awards were made in June 2022. For information on how to apply, please see here.
Contact information
Contact name
Eilidh Coll, Community Funds Adviser
- 07801 530218