Thornton Primary awarded funding to achieve goals for local children
Thornton Primary aims to help all its pupils to become successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens.
The Middle Babeggie Wind Farm Community Fund supports community projects benefitting those living in the Thornton Community Council area. The fund provides grants to support charitable activities that enhance the quality of life for local residents, contribute to vibrant, healthy, successful and sustainable communities, promote community spirit and encourage community activity.
Since 2017, the Thornton Primary Parents Council, in partnership with the school itself, has received annual funding from the Middle Balbeggie Community Fund to help them realise these goals.
The awards have contributed to covering transport costs for a huge range of educational trips and experiences, including visits to Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh Zoo, the National Museum of Scotland and the Scottish Deer Centre. The children have also enjoyed classroom animal visits, a pantomime experience and, for P7s, a residential camp each year.
New learning opportunities have been provided through the purchase of additional IT equipment and access to learning platforms such as Sumdog and First News Education. The pupils even developed a new garden area to grow their food and planted bee-friendly flowers to encourage biodiversity.
This diverse programme of extra-curricular activities has provided a richer and more varied educational experience, with over 160 children participating. Getting out beyond the classroom walls can help young people to discover new interests, grow in confidence and develop their skills. With the whole school involved, staff and parents look forward to seeing how the children will use their learning to continue benefiting their community.
The Middle Balbeggie Wind Farm Community Fund began in 2017, and is provided by Netro Energy, the current owner of Middle Balbeggie Wind Limited which operates the wind farm.