Supporting social inclusion in the west of Scotland
Provident Financial Group has developed partnerships with seven different community foundations throughout the UK. This enables them to distribute grants effectively to organisations supporting the communities where their business operates. They approached Foundation Scotland based on our local knowledge of Scottish communities and asked for our help to fund organisations working to improve social inclusion in Glasgow, Paisley and Inverclyde.
Through their business operations, Provident encounter organisations and charities doing amazing things in their communities through their services. They are often made up of people who have grown up there and feel a deep connection and understanding of the social mobility issues that may exist in that area making them ideally placed to address local issues.
We worked together to design a grant-making programme, and the Provident Social Impact Fund (Scotland) was soon established. Combining Provident's local knowledge with our insight into the most pertinent local issues meant that the funds distributed could make the biggest local impact in the areas needing it most.
By working with Foundation Scotland, Provident are confident they are directing their funding to the places where it's needed the most and contribute to the small charity sector's sustainability. Since the fund was established, we have awarded £90,000 to 21 organisations across Glasgow, Paisley, and Invercyle thanks to Provident Financial Group's generosity.