Serving the Community: Contin Community Trust
Contin Community Trust is the group responsible for the new build community hall in Contin, which is now fully up and running after the completion of the build and the various delays related to the pandemic.
As envisaged, all kinds of activities are now taking place, using the lovely new space as it was intended. Yoga, country dancing and indoor bowls are all now regular options and the hall is also the venue for a new toddler group and regular soup and sandwich lunches to bring people together through the winter.
Larger scale events have also been held – including Christmas parties for young and old residents, ceilidhs and the Strathpuffer pasta party.
The Corriemoillie Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund has been able to help the Trust with some essential equipment for the hall which really allow it to be used to its full potential. In early 2022 an award of £2,995 was made to purchase a commercial dishwasher and other essential hygiene equipment such as hand driers, toilet roll and paper towel dispensers and other washroom fixings like mirrors. All are important items to keep the facility hygiene compliant and to make it easier to look after for volunteers and hall users.
Later in the year another award was made to purchase sound absorbing panels to improve the hall acoustics. This award was for £4,841 which is higher than the usual award level, but it was agreed that the panels would make a significant improvement to this important local facility, which benefits so many local residents. Due to the Covid related delays in the hall construction and subsequent price increase, some of the interior specification for the hall had to be pared back, including the acoustics.
It became apparent once the hall was open and being used by a range of different groups that there was a need to improve the sound quality in the hall. The hall committee got specialist advice and with the funding were able to purchase high quality made-to-measure fabric covered sound absorbing panels which have greatly improved the situation for the comfort and benefit of all.