Keeping young sailors safe in Peterhead
In 2017, the NorthConnect Legacy Fund awarded Aberdeenshire Sailing Trust £1,000 towards a rescue boat engine to support activities taking place at the Trust’s Peterhead centre.
The cover provided by the rescue boat meant that the Trust was able to deliver taster sessions for schools, RYA courses, race training and RYA junior sailing courses. The boat supported disabled schools sailing and weekly disability club. 538 people of various ages benefited.
The vital role of the rescue boat was highlighted in an incident in September 2019, when a sudden squall caused three dinghies to capsize, throwing ten teenage sailors into the water. This prompted the emergency services to launch a large scale response involving helicopters and lifeboats. However, the Trust’s instructors could use the rescue boat to get everybody quickly and safely ashore without injury or the assistance of emergency services.
Following the incident, the Buchan Coastguard issued a statement saying that “This incident had the potential to be far more serious in outcome except for some key factors… We would like to thank those involved for being properly equipped.” Press and Journal; 6 September 2019; Instructors praised as 10 teens rescued from the North Sea in ‘violent storms’.