New community garden thanks to Girvan Shedders
The members of Girvan Men's Shed, more commonly known as the 'shedders', have been working in partnership with the Girvan Football Club on the development of new gardens within Hamilton Park.
The project's objective was to enhance the overall entrance to Hamilton Park, home of Girvan Football Club, and add to the ongoing development of the new Sensory Garden. The area will be elevated above, allowing home and away disabled fans to enjoy the match from a place of relative calm and safety along with their carers. On non-match days, the use of the Garden will be encouraged by other local groups from around Girvan.
To support the project costs, Girvan Men's Shed successfully obtained grants from two different community funds managed by Foundation Scotland; Carrick Futures and Falck Assel Valley Girvan.
Due to Covid19 restrictions, many of their members were self-Isolating and afraid to meet up. Gardening supply chains were broken, and prices increased. Their base at Hamilton Park was also placed under strict quarantine. The Shedders found by working more closely with local suppliers and community groups, they could continue making progress despite all the initial barriers imposed on them. Girvan Community Garden Charitable helped the team with local contacts including Grants Whisky Coopers who donated barrels, and contacts with the South Ayrshire Council recycling team for supplying compost. The Girvan Football Club team also helped supply equipment, transport for deliveries, and workforce in citing and moving the barrels. The whole community came together in so many ways and are still working together on this project.
The project has enabled the Girvan Men’s Shed to continue meeting as a group. Gathering outside in the fresh air instead of within a small, dusty and noisy workshop where social distancing was a challenge.
The project has generated so much local interest and motivation from the local community. It's enabled the group to find new ways of communicating. Many of the members commented on how much it meant to them to finally get out of the house and do something meaningful along with meeting up with old and new friends. Socialising again has improved their mental state, proving that humans need social contact, which the Men’s Shed was designed for.
Funding has also enabled members of the public to see that there are changes afoot at the football ground. Making the area more aesthetically pleasing, the grounds more inviting, causing a local conversation, bringing together local community groups in a real partnership.
This project showcases the many skills of our volunteers who are mostly retired. They have a new reason to get up in the mornings. We've even extended from our the initial one day a week meeting to five days a week. It's almost like being back at work!"
David Young, Project Manager
To see the latest progress visit the Girvan Men’s Shed website.