Blackford Community vegetable garden continues to grow
Originally established in response to the Covid-19 lockdown, Blackford Community Vegetable Garden allows residents to learn gardening skills while volunteering to grow produce.
The organisation has a small dedicated growing space, located in the grounds of Blackford Parish Church, where it grows fruits and vegetables that are then shared with the local community.
With total awards of £2,500 from the Blackford Community Fund, the organisation was able to install a polytunnel, extending their growing season and expanding their produce range to include items such as tomatoes and soft fruits.
More recently, additional beds have been created for herb growing with raised beds added to support volunteers who may have reduced mobility.
Once harvested, the veggies are made available free of charge at the local community shop, with volunteers offering home deliveries for older residents who are housebound and not able to collect items themselves.
The herbs and other produce which can be used for soup-making are donated to the Church to use as ingredients at their intergenerational lunches.
This is a popular monthly event that brings together older residents and children from the local primary school, who eat together and then enjoy an after-supper sing-along.
Including seasonal, locally grown veg helps to reduce food miles and plastic waste, meaning that the food served is not only healthy but ‘green’ too.
Those who have received the produce that we have distributed so far have been very grateful. We have also received a lot of feedback from the wider community, in particular compliments about the polytunnel, which villagers recognise as a symbol of our ambitions for the future.
In addition to growing in the church grounds, the group encourages community members to grow at home, with seed swaps and potato seedlings offered in grow bags so that even those without a garden at home can join in.
This project is not only helping volunteers to enjoy healthy outdoor activity but also supporting local residents to take grassroots action to combat climate change, a great result for the whole community.