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EDF Renewables Corriemoillie Wind Farm Education & Training Fund

Grant size Up to £3,000
Key dates  
Application deadline: 03/02/25
Panel Meeting: 02/04/25
Application deadline: 02/06/25
Panel Meeting: 06/08/25
Application deadline: 06/10/25
Panel meeting: 03/12/25

About this fund

This fund supports individuals and organisations with the costs of education and training plus other initiatives that help to create job opportunities in the fund area. This comprises the areas served by the community councils for Contin; Garve and District; Lochbroom; Marybank, Scatwell and Strathconon; and Strathpeffer.

The fund is part of EDF Renewable Corriemoillie Wind Farm Community Fund, provided by EDF Renewables, the company which owns and operates the Corriemoillie Wind Farm in Ross-shire. 20% of that Fund is made available through the Education & Training Fund. In its first year (2016), the donation to the Education & Training Fund was £48,450. Donations rise each year in line with the Consumer Price Index.

Purpose of this fund

EDF Renewables Corriemoillie Wind Farm Education & Training Fund will support a range of education and training activity that leads to the following outcomes:

  • More individuals resident within the fund area are equipped with the skills and confidence required to enter into and retain employment in the key sectors the fund supports (see ‘Additional Criteria’ below)
  • Micro and small businesses can create new job opportunities or retain existing jobs that may benefit individuals resident in the fund area
  • Micro and small businesses that employ individuals from the fund area have the necessary skills and confidence to grow and sustain their operations to secure their long-term future

The fund provides:

  • Bursaries to individuals to support the costs of attending training, education courses or apprenticeships. For example, travel and subsistence, study materials, course fees not already being paid for elsewhere, accommodation costs
  • Support for businesses and voluntary sector organisations through the funding of staff training and development
  • Support for activities that enable individuals to develop their career aspirations and journey, which adds value to this area's statutory activities. This includes access to learning resources that support career aspirations, learning and development that increases employability, and activities that inspire and motivate individuals by developing links with prospective employers (but not traditional careers fairs)

Additional criteria

Activities are supported in the following sectors:

  • Priority 1 - Renewables & energy industry-related
  • Priority 2 - Engineering, construction and related trades, health & safety, and STEMD (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Digital)
  • Priority 3 - Other industries which will benefit job retention in the area, including tourism, forestry and timber technologies, rural development, agriculture (including crofting), environmental conservation, estates management, aquaculture/fisheries management, equestrian, other land-based industries, food & drink, health and social care, creative industries, finance and business services, haulage, education and other sectors benefiting the local community
  • Priority 4 - Other education courses that enhance employability and the success of micro (1-10 employees) and small (11-50 employees) businesses, including the ability to set up and grow your own business

Who can apply?

Individuals can apply for a bursary up to £1,500 if you:

  • Are taking an education or training course to improve or gain new skills linked to employability (including re-training for a new role or retaining your current role), or thinking about applying for one
  • Live within the fund area
  • Require some financial support to help you attend and/or study

You will need to provide evidence of your acceptance onto the education/training course, such as an offer letter before payment of an award is made. However, you may apply on the basis of a conditional offer. First time applicants and priority sectors will be prioritised.
Support for Businesses

The fund will support activities that enhance the skills of business owners and managers to run, sustain and grow their business, and that improve the skills of employees to deliver the business’ activities (including but not limited to training courses and apprenticeships). 
Applicants must be:

  • A private or third sector employer
  • A micro (under 10 employees) or small (10-50 employees) business
  • Not able to access funds towards the proposed activity from other sources or finance it from the business itself
  • Operating in one of the priority sectors listed above under ‘Additional Criteria’

Activities that can be funded include:

  • Business training costs of up to £2,500 per organisation per year for staff training and development leading to a recognised vocational qualification.

Developing Career Aspirations and Journeys

The fund will support learning activities that increase employability, and activities that provide insight and inspiration for individuals into what working in a specific sector entails (including but not limited to those that build links with prospective employers). This might include visits from employers to schools and other groups (such as at community venues) or from individuals/groups to an employer’s place of work or a specialist training centre.

Examples include school visits to ‘Newton Rooms’, STEM Ambassadors talks, ‘day in the working life of’ experiences, and school-based skills projects that do not attract statutory funding and which involve employers in providing learning experiences.
Applicants may be schools, third sector organisations or micro/small businesses.
Grants up to £3,000 can cover the costs of delivering activities, participant travel and subsistence, materials and equipment.  Costs of staff released to deliver the activities may be considered for support.

What can’t be funded?

A list of what we cannot fund can be found here.

How are decisions made?

Recommendations on awards are made by a Panel of people who live in the fund area plus representatives from industry and education or training bodies. The Panel also helps to shape the strategy for the fund, which is reviewed on a regular basis.

Foundation Scotland will assess your application including how it meets the above criteria, and provide a report to the Panel, who will decide on your application.  The Panel normally meets around six to seven weeks after each application deadline, in March and August. 

In exceptional circumstances, applications for bursaries may be considered by the Panel at short notice and before the next application deadline. Please see FAQs for more information.

More information on the award making process is available here.

Frequently asked questions

  • What kind of courses can be supported with a bursary?

    Bursaries can support participation in a wide range of courses (full or part-time), including Modern Apprenticeships, Foundation Apprenticeships, NC, HNC, HND, undergraduate degrees, postgraduate qualifications (though not PhDs), and short vocational costs. Those leading to recognised qualifications (and with SVQ ratings) will be favoured, however other courses will also be considered where the applicant can demonstrate how the skills and knowledge gained will realistically support them in securing or retaining a job or in setting up their own business.

  • How much can I apply for? (bursaries)

    The level of award will depend on the course you want to do and your situation. Maximum award levels for Priority 1 and 2 sectors are as follows, with a lower cap on other subject areas:

    • Short courses £1,500
    • Year 1 of award £1,500
    • Year 2 of award £1,000
    • Year 3 of award £300
    • Year 4 of award £300. 

    Eligible costs of study aids or equipment may comprise up to £700 per year within the maximum award level. Health and social care qualifications will also be eligible for an award up to £1,500. If you are studying at home for an online course you mat be eligible for support with expenses up to £500.

  • Can I apply for/receive an award before the Panel is due to meet?

    If you wish to make an application for help with the costs of a course arranged at short notice, and your application could not have been lodged in time for the previous application deadline, please get in touch with us at or call 0131 524 0300. We may be able to deal with your application at short notice. However, we cannot guarantee to do so.


How to apply

Applications are submitted online using the link below. You will need:

  • A working email account that you can access - to set up an online portal account through which applications are submitted online.
  • A recent bank statement - because we often need to check account details are correct before we can pay out a grant.  A scanned or photographed or electronic copy will need to be uploaded during the application process.
  • Evidence of your home address - this could include a driving licence, SAAS letter or a bill (for example for your mobile phone). Any official letter (for example from the Scottish Exam Board, school correspondence, NHS appointment letters, tax letters or a payslip). If you are at college or university, they may be able to provide something suitable.

If you would like to review the questions you will be asked to answer before starting the form, you can see them here

If you have any problems applying online or setting up your portal, please email or call 0131 524 0300 (during office hours) and we will be pleased to help.

For applications to support projects that develop career aspirations apply online here.

If you have already started an application and not completed it, please login here to resume. 

Contact information

For application process and technical enquiries

Central Systems Support

For criteria and fund priority enquiries

Marion McDonald, Community Funds Adviser

Useful links

For groups and businesses

For individuals

Bus passes

Fund news

Related case studies