Making a difference, locally
Your community may have the opportunity to benefit from a one-off gift or a recurring annual donation linked, for example, to a renewable energy project. If so, you’ll understand it’s essential to plan the best use of that money and the best way to manage your funds.
With years of experience working with communities to set up and manage localised funds, Foundation Scotland can help you. We’re proud of our track record in supporting communities to make the most of such opportunities.
We know every community is different. There is no one size fits all. No matter where the money has come from, we work flexibly alongside communities and other stakeholders to make sure it meets local priorities.
We are well connected yet independent – our priority is to work with communities to maximise impact and ensure the money is well looked after.
How we can help
We have dedicated, experienced staff on the ground throughout Scotland, building relationships and facilitating local people's decision making about fund strategy and spending. This includes exploring different ways that money can be available to meet community priorities.
We can help at any stage of setting up or managing a community fund:
- Designing a community fund
- Preparing a fund strategy based on local priorities
- Putting in place and supporting effective governance. For example, setting up and running community panels or supporting company boards.
- Distributing funds (including open grantmaking and alternatives)
- Tracking impact
- Reviewing a fund to ensure it stays relevant.
- We can also set up a Community Invested Fund to generate longer-term income and support community projects far into the future.

Foundation Scotland has helped Carrick Futures directors to focus on key areas of community benefit and to foresee and adapt to changing circumstances. Our grant making process is fully transparent and in accordance with the highest standards of corporate governance.
Roger Pirrie, Chair, Carrick Futures