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Tannach and District Wind Farm Education & Training Fund

Grant size Up to £1,500
Key dates Applications can be accepted at any time.

About this fund

This fund provides bursaries to residents of the Tannach and District Community Councils area in Caithness to help them access training and education opportunities that better equip them with the range of skills needed to enter or retain employment in key sectors of the local economy.

The fund is provided from the Tannach and District Wind Farm Trust.

Purpose of this fund

The purpose of Tannach and District Wind Farm Education & Training Fund is to improve opportunities and livelihoods of people living in Tannach and District.

Awards are made to those seeking to undertake training or education in key sectors relevant to the Tannach and District area, as follows:

  • Health and Social Care
  • Teaching and Education
  • Food and Drink
  • Tourism and Customer Services
  • Culture, Heritage and the Natural Environment
  • Communications and Information Technology
  • Renewables, Energy and Climate Change
  • Science, Technology Engineering, and Maths (STEM)
  • Construction and the Trades
  • Sea-based industries

Courses leading to formal or recognised qualifications will be favoured, however other courses will also be considered where the applicant can demonstrate how the skills and knowledge gained will realistically support them in securing or retaining work. 

Courses supported can be on a full time or part time basis and may be: * Apprenticeships * Modern Apprenticeships * Foundation Apprenticeships * SVQs * NCs * HNCs * HNDs * undergraduate degrees * post-graduate qualifications (though not PhDs) * short vocational courses * other courses that meet the fund purpose. 

Additional criteria

Eligible costs:

Awards are made for costs that are directly related to attending your course or apprenticeship, including:

  • Course fees, where these costs cannot be waived or funded through any other means
  • Study aids and equipment
  • Tools for your trade
  • Travel and subsistence costs (Please note anybody aged under 22 is eligible for free bus travel through the Young Scot initiative, this should be used in the first instance and other transport costs will only be considered if your course cannot be accessed by bus.)
  • Accommodation costs
  • Childcare costs to allow you to study.

You must provide information on the full costs that you need to meet in relation to the course. For example, if you are a first-time applicant taking a week-long course which costs £400, you will only be able to apply for £400 plus related travel & subsistence. And if you receive funding from elsewhere, for example £100 towards the course fees, you will only be able to apply for £300.

Study location:

We recognise that there are limited further education opportunities within the Tannach and District area, therefore you can apply for the costs involved in studying anywhere in Scotland. However, an application for the costs of attending a course offered in Caithness or even Highland will be looked upon more favourably than one that requires you to leave the area. 

If you are applying for costs linked with an Apprenticeship arrangement you must be employed within the fund area.

Who can apply?

The fund is open to individuals aged 16 or over and living in the Tannach and District Community Council area. However, the Panel can make an award to someone living outside this area depending on the circumstances. For example, someone who perhaps lives outside the area but works at a small business within the area may be able to receive an award.

Your application must be for the purpose of increasing your employment potential. 

Apprentices can apply for costs that cannot be claim back from their employer or another source.

What can’t be funded?

You cannot apply for funding for any costs incurred before a decision can be made on your application (retrospective funding).

We will not fund training or equipment that your employer should be providing for you or that is necessary for you to carry out your current job.

Apprentices cannot apply for any cost that can be claimed back from their employer or another source. 

How are decisions made?

Recommendations on awards are made by the Panel for Tannach and District Wind Farm Trust. Note that all applications are anonymised before they are seen by the Panel. See our privacy policy.

Once your application is received, Foundation Scotland will review your application, including how it meets with the fund criteria. We may contact you by telephone or e-mail if we have any questions about your application. We then provide a report to the Panel, who will decide on your application.  The Panel normally meet around six to eight weeks after each application deadline, in February and August. 

In exceptional circumstances, applications for bursaries may be considered by Panel at short notice and before the next application deadline. Please see FAQs for more information.

Frequently asked questions

  • When should I apply?

    You should apply as soon as you are sure that you are going to take the course and have been accepted onto it. We will normally respond to your application between six and eight weeks after the application deadline.

    Please tell us about any important dates relating to your course, for example registration or start date, or the date for a decision about any other funding towards it.

    If you need a response sooner than this, please get in touch with us as soon as you can. We will do our best to turn your application around in good time.

  • What evidence do I need to provide?

    This will depend on the course you are looking to take. Some may need to be provided to us along with your application (as set out in the application form), some periodically through the term of your award and some upon completion of your course. Examples include:

    • Your offer letter or confirmation of a place on the course.
    • A copy of your attendance record or statement by someone from the educational institution confirming you have been attending regularly, and
    • A copy of your qualification certificate.

    You may not have these documents at the time of application but will need to provide them when you can.

    Evidence of expenditure (receipts or invoices) will not be required as a matter of course but may be requested in some circumstances, for example if you are awarded funding to buy a laptop. Please keep any relevant receipts for up to 12 months.

  • How likely am I to get this award?

    If the fund is oversubscribed then we may not be able to offer an award to every applicant, or we may not be able to award everyone the full amount requested. The following will be considered by the Panel to help them make these decisions:

    • People who have not previously received an award will be prioritised over those who have received an award previously.
    • People not currently in employment will be prioritised over those who are.
  • What are my responsibilities?

    If you are offered an award you will need to complete a Grant Acceptance. This states that you must spend the award as described in your application form. If your plans change you will need to let us know as soon as possible. It may be possible for you to retain the award, for example if you intend to switch courses, or if you fund another training provider offering a better deal. But you must tell us your circumstances have changed in the first instance. 

    You will also be required to provide some feedback on your experiences to demonstrate the impact of the support you received from the fund. 

  • How is the grant award paid?

    We will pay your award to you electronically by bank transfer so, you will need to provide a bank statement which shows your name, address, account number and sort code. In some cases, we can pay your education or training provider directly; if this would suit your circumstances please let us know.

How to apply

Applications are submitted online using the link below. You will need:

  • A working email account that you can access - to set up an online portal account through which applications are submitted online.
  • A recent bank statement - because we often need to check account details are correct before we can pay out a grant.  A scanned or photographed or electronic copy will need to be uploaded during the application process.
  • Evidence of your home address - this could include a driving licence, SAAS letter or a bill (for example for your mobile phone). Any official letter (for example from the Scottish Exam Board, school correspondence, NHS appointment letters, tax letters or a payslip). If you are at college or university, they may be able to provide something suitable.

If you would like to review the questions you will be asked to answer before starting the form, you can see them here

If you have any problems applying online or setting up your portal, please email or call 0131 524 0300 (during office hours) and we will be pleased to help.

If you have already started an application and not completed it, please login here to resume. 

Contact information

For application process and technical enquiries

Central Systems Support

For criteria and fund priority enquiries

Eilidh Coll, Community Funds Adviser

Useful links