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Patna Education & Training Fund

Grant size Up to £1,500
East Ayrshire
Key dates  
Application deadline: You can apply at any time.

About this fund

This fund is made available by the owners of the South Kyle Wind Farm to improve opportunities and livelihoods for people living in Patna.

The fund is in a pilot phase so this guidance may change in due course.

At the moment you can apply if your course is long-term (one year or more) or shorter (1 day or even less, or taught over a period of weeks or months).  If your course is long-term, the fund can currently only support you for one year.

Grant Size:

  • The maximum award is up to £1,000
  • Equipment costs are cup to £700
  • Driving lesson costs are capped at supporting passing the theory test and practical exam costs only, up to £300

Purpose of this fund

The Patna Education & Training Fund provides grants of up to £1,000 to help local people aged 16 or over to take up and progress through education and training courses, to increase their skills and enable access to a wider range of further training or employment opportunities. It helps people overcome financial barriers that might otherwise prevent them from starting, completing, or participating fully in courses. 

Funding can be used to cover course fees where these cannot be met from other sources and support costs such as study aids, equipment and accommodation. The fund can also support travel, subsistence or childcare to enable attendance. 

Participation in a wide range of courses can be funded (full or part-time), including Modern Apprenticeships, Foundation Apprenticeships, NC, HNC, HND, undergraduate degrees, postgraduate qualifications (though not PhDs), and short vocational courses. Short courses may last a few days or less, or an applicant might be on a course covering a number of years. 

For short courses under a year, an applicant can apply for part or all of the course fee. For courses of one year or longer, the fund can offer a maximum of £1,000. The overall maximum award (combining fees and subsistence) for all courses is capped at £1,000.

Awards can support costs that are directly related to attending your course or apprenticeship, including: Course fees, where these costs cannot be waived or funded through any other means. Study aids and equipment e.g., laptops, software, and stationery, technical aids/equipment e.g., specialist clothing relating to the course, tools, and other specialist equipment are capped at £700. 

Travel and subsistence costs e.g., bus, train or petrol, meals etc. at a flat rate of £15 per day. 

Support for driving tuition is contained to supporting passing the theory test and practical exam costs only, capped at £300 or where you are seeking a driving qualification related to employment such as contribution to HGV licence, construction cards or trailer test.

Additional criteria

There is no restriction on the sector or subject chosen. The important thing is that you are committed to completing the study and showing how it will help you realise your employment ambitions. 

Grant payments will generally be paid directly into the individual’s bank account. Where awards relate to course fees, payment may be made directly to the course provider if appropriate. 

Those receiving grants will be expected to provide a written completion report of the skills and knowledge they have gained as a result of the award.

Who can apply?

The fund is open to individuals aged 16 or over, living in the Patna Community Council area with an offer for an education or training course can apply. 

Your application is to increase your employment potential.

What can’t be funded?

Information on what the fund cannot support is provided here. 

  • Costs for high school pupils to attend external college courses are not eligible.
  • Costs that are already covered by a school, college, the Council or other body - we expect University and college students to have explored funding available from Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS - see 'Useful Links' below).
  • Private tuition providing additional support to the school curriculum cannot be funded. • You cannot apply for funding for any costs incurred before a decision has been made on your application (retrospective funding).
  • We will not fund training or equipment that your employer should provide for you or necessary for you to carry out your current job.
  • This fund does not support the cost of driving lessons.

How are decisions made?

Foundation Scotland will review your application and may contact you for further information. 

You will be advised of a decision approximately six to eight weeks after your application has been submitted.

How to apply

You will need:

  • A working email account that you can access - to set up an online portal account through which applications are submitted online.
  • A recent bank statement - because we often need to check account details are correct before we can pay out a grant.  A scanned or photographed or electronic copy will need to be uploaded during the application process.
  • Evidence of your home address - this could include a driving licence, SAAS letter or a bill (for example for your mobile phone). Any official letter (for example from the Scottish Exam Board, school correspondence, NHS appointment letters, tax letters or a payslip). If you are at a college or university, they may be able to provide something suitable.

Complete the online application form below, and submit it with any supporting documentation required. If you have any problems accessing the form, please email  Your application cannot be fully processed until supporting documents have been received.   

We will get in touch to confirm any details.

If you would like to review the questions you will be asked to answer before starting the form, you can see them here

If you have already started an application and not completed it, please login here to resume. 

If you are successful, Foundation Scotland will email you a Notification of Award, which you need to accept.  We also require you to submit a recent bank statement or pay-in-slip to verify your bank details. If you are not successful we will tell you why. 

Frequently asked questions

  • What can I apply for?

    Your course may be an Apprenticeship/NC/HNC/HND or a shorter course taking place over a few days or weeks. The most important thing is that you live in one of the above areas and really want to improve your skills and qualifications.

    Here are some examples: 

    Joe has had a few labouring jobs since leaving school but nothing long-term.  Now he’s seen an ad for agency driving jobs but needs a 1-week class-2 HGV licence.

    Jacqui has only had occasional casual work so far.  She’s been applying for bar jobs but feels she’d have more chance of an interview if she had the 1-day personal licence qualification.

    Dave’s being made redundant next month.  He’s heard of a warehouse job… all he needs is a 3-day fork-lift ticket.

    Margaret worked in admin before starting her family.  She needs to update her computer skills at evening classes to help her get back to work.  

    Shirley is keen to find work now her children are all at school.  She’s been accepted for the HND in Childhood Practice and hopes this will help her on a path towards becoming a Teaching Assistant.

  • Can a local business apply?

    During this pilot phase businesses cannot apply. This may change in the future. 

  • What can I use the money for?

    A grant can help pay for fees and which we can pay directly to the training provider. You can also request support for equipment or subsistence towards anything that will help you attend your further education or training course, such as: travel; childcare; study aids (e.g. laptop, software, stationery) and technical aids (e.g. specialist clothing related to the course, tools, textbooks, other specialist equipment). You must detail these costs in your application. 

  • I already get support for attending skills development and employability. Can I still apply?

    If you are already receiving support for developing your skills and employment prospects then we would discourage you from applying. This fund will not duplicate support that is already available to Patna residents and that they are already accessing. 

Contact information

For application process and technical enquiries

Central Systems Support

To talk to someone about if your eligible or the nature of your course

Lorna MacDonald, Community Funds Adviser

Useful links