Minnygap Community Fund
Grant size | Up to £12,000 |
Area |
Dumfries and Galloway
Key dates | |
Application deadline: | 05/05/25 |
Panel meeting: | 14/07/25 |
Application deadline: | 28/11/25 |
Panel meeting: | 12/01/26 |
About this fund
The Minnygap Community Fund supports community projects benefitting those living within the Johnstone, Templand, and Kirkpatrick Juxta community council areas. This includes the villages of Johnstonebridge, Templand, and Beattock.
The fund is provided by Minnygap Energy Ltd, owner of the Minnygap Wind Farm, and the Johnstonebridge Community Centre & Development Trust (JCCDT). The fund opened in 2018. An annual amount of £50,000, rising in line with inflation, will be paid into the fund for the operating life of the wind farm.
Grant Size:
Small grants between £1 - £600
Standard grants between £601 - £12,000
Purpose of this fund
The fund will provide grants to support charitable activities that:
- Enhance the quality of life for local residents
- Contribute to vibrant, healthy, successful, and sustainable communities
- Promote community spirit and encourage community activity
- Support sustainable community assets, including capital assets (like land and buildings), community enterprises, local exchange systems, people’s skills and abilities, culture, and the local environment
- Provide a safe and pleasant place to live
- Help people into work
- Improve local transport.
Grant requests to support a wide range of costs and activities will be considered, such as equipment costs, running costs for local groups, staff or sessional worker costs, consultations, and maintenance or refurbishment of community facilities.
Additional criteria
- Leverage or match funding: The applicant is seeking to secure match funding for the project (from local fundraising activity or other sources) and/or can demonstrate what other funding may be secured as a result of implementing this particular project.
- Local procurement: Local suppliers of goods and services will be used, where appropriate (e.g., in terms of quality of products/services available) and feasible (in terms of availability and cost). The definition of ‘local’ will vary depending on the goods/services in question. In some cases, it could be taken to mean within the Area of Benefit, but in others, Dumfries and Galloway or the South of Scotland might be most appropriate.
- Sustainability: Organisations can demonstrate their intention for the project to become sustainable in the future without relying on grant funding.
- Building capacity locally: The applicant has considered whether the project provides opportunities to build the skills and knowledge of group members or other local people connected with the project. This could be through formal or informal learning activity, e.g., through some form of mentoring activity, peer support or buddying scheme, and/or any other learning opportunity that could be created through the project.
- Partnership working: Where appropriate, the applicant has considered whether delivering their project in partnership with other organisations/groups will add value (financial, capability, or other). This could involve working with voluntary, private or public sector bodies that operate at the local, regional or national level.
Who can apply?
Individuals and unconstituted groups may apply for a small grant of up to £600 but must have a sponsoring organisation that will receive the grant and make payments on behalf of the individual or unconstituted group. This may be a Community Council. Individuals may apply for no more than £300. All projects must be charitable and be able to demonstrate community benefit.
Groups and organisations working to benefit people in eligible communities can apply for small and standard grants. Your group/organisation must meet our standard eligibility criteria. You don’t need to be a registered charity to apply.
Applications from groups/organisations located out of the fund area will be considered on a case-by-case basis and must demonstrate clear benefits for residents within the fund area.
What can’t be funded?
Information on what the fund cannot support is provided here.
Activities that benefit solely flora or fauna can also not be funded.
How are decisions made?
A community panel of people who live, work or volunteer in the three communities makes recommendations on grant awards from the fund.
The panel has up to ten members:
- Three places are reserved for members nominated by each of the community councils.
- One place is reserved for a director of JCCDT.
- Panel nembers who are not nominees of the Community Council or JCCDT may also be community councillors or JCCDT directors.
- Opportunities to become a panel member are openly advertised when these arise, both locally and on this website, and are selected through a fair and transparent process.
The panel meets up to twice a year, in January and July. Minutes are available from the Community Funds Adviser (please see details below).
More information on the award-making process is available here
How to apply
Complete the online application form relevant to the grant size you are applying for. Completed applications and supporting documents must be received by the application deadline.
There are no deadlines for small grants, and applications can be made anytime. A decision will usually be made within four weeks of receiving your application.
All standard grant applications and supporting documents must be received by the application deadline as published on this website.
If you would like to review the questions you will be asked to answer before starting the form, you can see them here.
Standard grant requests may be multi-year in nature, at the level of up to £12,000 per year over three years. Groups may not apply for both a small grant and a standard grant for the same activity or project.
If you have any problems accessing the form, please email grants@foundationscotland.org.uk or call 01557 814927, and we can help.
If you have already started an application and not completed it, please login here to resume.
Frequently asked questions
How many grants can I apply for?
Eligible groups may apply for more than one grant per year from the fund.
Contact information
Central Systems Support
Lorna MacDonald, Community Funds Advisor