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Halkirk District Benefit Fund

Grant size Up to £25,000
Key dates  
Application deadline: 31/07/24
Application deadline: 31/10/24
Application deadline: 31/01/25
Application deadline: 30/04/25

About this fund

Halkirk District Benefit Fund provides community benefit to individuals residing in and to groups operating in the Benefit Fund area.

The area of benefit is Halkirk District Community Council boundary, this includes Altnabreac, Banniskirk, Calder, Georgemas, Harpsdale, Spittal, Mybster and Westerdale.

Halkirk District Benefit Fund receives an annual payment from the 21 turbine Causeymire Wind Farm, which is owned and managed by Ventient Energy. The wind farm is situated near several sites of special scientific interest and is part of the wider Flow Country area. 

*Please note: this is the fund page for groups. If you’re looking for the page for individuals, you can find it here.

Purpose of this fund

New Company Purposes were agreed at the AGM on September 2024. The Fund Purpose is consistent with furthering the achievement of sustainable development including:  

  • Advancing citizenship or community development within Halkirk District
  • Recreational activities and facilities within Halkirk District
  • Sustainable development and regeneration of Halkirk District
  • Education relating to environment culture heritage or history
  • Improved environmental amenities within Halkirk District
  • Buildings or sites of architectural, historic, or community importance within Halkirk District.

Additional criteria

Applicants should also demonstrate the following:

Local consultation:  Applicants requesting funding for community activities or projects should demonstrate they have undertaken consultations with the project’s intended beneficiaries and can clearly evidence community support.

Partnership working: Applicants should consider whether delivering their project in partnership with other organisations / groups will add value to their project. This could involve working with voluntary, private, or public sector bodies.Local procurement: It is desirable that, where appropriate, applicants should seek local providers of the goods and services they are seeking a grant towards. However, this should be shown to offer the best value, balancing considerations of cost, availability and quality as appropriate to the specific goods or service in question.

Local procurement: Where possible, applicants should consider local providers of the goods and services they are seeking a grant towards. However, this should be shown to offer the best value, balancing considerations of cost, availability, and quality.

Sustainable Development: Applicants should consider whether projects will likely contribute to sustainable development, including minimising the environmental impact of projects and reducing the ‘carbon footprint’ of the applicant organisation and/or Halkirk community. 

Who can apply?

Members of the fund can apply. You can apply for membership if you live in the Halkirk District Community Council area.

Organisations and clubs can apply. Organisations and clubs can apply for membership if they are based in the Halkirk Community Council area.

Applications will be considered by the Board of Directors. These applications are considered on a case-by-case basis and must demonstrate a clear benefit for residents of the area of benefit.

Please read Foundation Scotland’s standard eligibility criteria before submitting your application. 

What can’t be funded?

Information on what the fund cannot support can be found in our What We Can't Fund page.

In addition, groups or organisations without a representative membership structure - i.e. those that unduly restrict their membership and/or where the committee or board is not elected by, or otherwise accountable to, a wider group of people - cannot be supported. 

How are decisions made?

Halkirk District Benefit Fund is run by a board of seven volunteer Directors. Each year at the Annual General Meeting Directors who have served their time on the board step down. Members of the fund can be nominated to take a position on the Board of Directors.  

We check:

  1. The project fits the fund criteria.
  2. The organisations competence and financial status
  3. How the project has been identified
  4. How the project has been planned.
  5. The budget planning to ensure it is realistic.

If we require additional information to present to the Board you will be contacted by telephone or email and asked to provide this.

Applicants will be informed of the Board decision within two weeks of the Board meeting advising next steps and any conditions of offer. Unsuccessful applications will receive feedback to help them understand why their application was not funded. All decisions are final.

Halkirk District Benefit Fund Membership

Halkirk District Board of Directors partners with Foundation Scotland to ensure professional, efficient, and transparent management of the fund, ultimately enhancing the positive impact on the community. The Halkirk District Benefit Fund is looking for members and, potentially Directors.  This will enable you to receive updates, to vote at an AGM and to help direct and steer the local community benefit fund.

You can apply using the form here

For further information please contact Eilidh Coll at Foundation Scotland on 07801 530218 or email

How to apply

You can apply for funding here using the online application form.  Completed applications and supporting documents must be received by the application deadline. If you would like to review the questions you will be asked to answer before starting the form, you can see them here.

If you have any problems accessing the form, please email or call 0131 524 0300 and we can help. 

If you have already started an application and not completed it, please use the link below to log back in and complete it.

Contact information

For application process and technical enquiries

Central Systems Support

For criteria and fund priority enquiries

Eilidh Coll, Community Funds Adviser

Useful Links

Map showing Halkirk District Community Council area (the area of benefit)

Help for applicants

Halkirk Community Council  

For advice on running your group or project contact Caithness Voluntary Group  

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) provides a range of useful resources for setting-up a voluntary organisation or running your organisation.  It also helps organisations develop their digital potential