Stowed Out music festival goes virtual
With support from the EDF Renewables Longpark Wind Farm Community fund the successful 'Stowed Out' delivered a fantastic virtual festival this year.
Featuring numerous local musicians and poets from the village of Stow and beyond, the event showcased the best of local talent whilst helping Stow residents and audiences across the world enjoy an evening of fabulous local entertainment.
The whole event was completely free so that as many people from Stow and beyond could enjoy the event. And best of all, you can still check out the performances on the Stowed Out website.
Navigating the challenges thrown up by changing restrictions caused by the pandemic has been no small feat, as a spokesperson for Stowed Out explained:
"It has been a difficult year for everyone involved in live music or staging live performances, so we decided on this format to help support a great local venue and get performers back on a ‘live stage’."
The festival also continued its links with the spoken word this year, with its “ROAR” stage featuring Imogen Stirling, Harry Josephine Giles, and Poet and Geek.
Stowed Out worked in partnership with MacArts to produce the 2021 festival.
"We have worked with our friends at the MacArts to produce ‘live’ performances on the MacArts stages, which we streamed out on the 14th August. We had a great ‘Main Stage’ line-up heavy on Borders favourites, with Mother Bru, The Boy With Lion Head, Three Out Of Four, Patersun, Rule of None and Geckohead on the bill. We invited Fife outfit Foreign Fox to headline after Jonny’s storming ‘unplugged’ set for us last year."
Spokesperson, Stowed Out Festival
This year's festival also featured a virtual ‘Open Mic Tent’, creating a showcase for local talent that organisers could not fit in on the ‘Main stage’, with local lads Tandale heading that bill supported by the Jockuleles, Aulkirk, Stark Palace, Peter Cairns and others.