Onshore funding leads to an offshore career
As we invite applications for the next round of funding from the EDF Renewables Corriemoillie Education & Training Fund, the success of a recent grantee has made it into the local news!
Gregor Couper received an award of £1,000 towards the cost of a Basic Safety Training course for the offshore renewable sector. Gaining the qualification meant that Gregor was contracted as a trainee ropes technician with potential for further offshore contract work in this growth area.
"The funding has provided me with opportunities to develop skills and gain employment in the renewables sector. It really did change everything for me this year. I’m so delighted!"
New applications are being invited from individuals, small businesses and third sector organisations in the Highlands thanks to the EDF Renewables Corriemoillie Education and Training Fund.
The fund is open to residents within Contin; Garve and District; Lochbroom; Marybank, Scatwell and Strathconon; and Strathpeffer who complete an application before 7th June 2021. Small businesses and third sector organisations can apply to help cover the costs of training, offering apprenticeships, or receiving business mentoring. Grants for individuals can cover travel costs, fees, equipment, accommodation costs, or childcare. The fund supports a wide range of training courses that help people improve their skills and employability and can also help to retain jobs in the area.
Fund Co-ordinator Marion McDonald said:
“Due to the increasing popularity of the fund, we have moved to three funding rounds per year. The next deadline will be 7th June followed by a further round closing on 4th October. It’s a great opportunity for people to think about their training needs as we continue to move out of the restrictions of the past year.”
The EDF Renewables Corriemoillie Education and Training Fund is one of eight local funds from the onshore renewable energy sector and managed by Foundation Scotland. To find out more about the Corrimoillie fund, or complete an application form visit the fund page for details. To see all available funds visit our funding available list.
Read the article about Gregor in the Ross-shire Gazette online.