Moorfoot Primary School benefits from fund
The Moorfoot Primary project, run by Midlothian Sure Start, will launch pupil and parent groups to improve mental health awareness.
Pupils will take part in World Mental Health Day events in October.
We are delighted to accept this grant. It will allow Midlothian Sure Start to work therapeutically with children and families at Moorfoot Primary. These sessions will aim to give children the tools to positively deal with stress and to take proactive action around advocating for their own mental health. They will be supported to take an active role in our ‘Share the Journey’ procession in Dalkeith on World Mental Health day
Cheryl Brown, chief executive at Midlothian Sure Start
Other beneficiaries in the latest round of awards included Borthwick Scottish Women’s Institute, Moorfoot Community Council and Temple Village Hall Association.
Launched in 2010, the Community Fund is linked to Carcant Wind Farm, now owned by investors Greencoat UK Wind. The Fund in Moorfoot provides £4,200 per year over a 25-year period, to promote community activity and enhance the quality of life for local residents.
It is great to see the Community Fund making such a positive contribution to cultural, educational and social life in Moorfoot. We know that the community council and local groups work incredibly hard and we’re delighted that funds from Carcant Windfarm can help bring local projects to life
Tom Rayner of Greencoat Wind UK