Milestone for Lairg Fund
The total invested by the Lairg Community Fund into the local area has now surpassed £100,000 since the fund opened in early 2011. Every award made from the fund makes a positive difference to the local community.
Again the fund has supported a wide range of projects, from helping grow the local economy to support a variety of community activities and services.We also realise none of these projects would happen without the continued contribution volunteers make to our community and the Community Council thanks them for this.
Jeff Norrie, Chairman of Lairg Community Council
Thirteen awards ranging from £485.00 to £2,500 were made in 2017 which included:
- Lairg and District Community Initiative - £2,500.00. To contribute to the cost of employing a Project Officer for 12 months, who will develop a facility to provide long-term residential care for elderly and infirm people in the local area.
- Visit Lairg and Rogart - £2,000.00. To fund an initial branding and marketing campaign for the group, including establishing a distinct brand identity and website.
- Lairg Community Council - £629.65. To provide a micro-grant scheme for 2017.
- Lairg and District Community Initiative - £2,000.00. To fund six months of running costs, including phone, broadband, office rental and accountancy.
- Lairg Primary School Parent Council - £2,000.00. To contribute to the cost of a trip to Loch Insh Outdoor Centre, Kingussie for P5-P7 pupils.
- Friends of the Bradbury Centre - £485.00. To fund six music sessions with various artists and clubs to provide musical therapy to Bradbury Centre clients.
- Lairg and District Community Initiative - £1,235.00. To contribute to the cost of Winterfest 2017, including reindeer, hall hire, gifts and entertainment.
- Lairg Community Association Children's Party - £1,000.00. To purchase refreshments for the annual Halloween and Christmas parties as well as contribute to the cost of gifts for the Christmas party.
- Lairg Friendship Club - £1,650.00. To contribute to the cost of the group's annual outing and Christmas party.
- Lairg Community Association - £2,078.00. To purchase a vacuum cleaner and floor scrubber/dryer to assist with keeping the community centre clean.
- Lairg Gala Week - £2,500.00. To purchase ground guards who will be used at community events.
- Sutherland Schools Pipe Band - £600.00. To contribute to equipment costs.
- Lairg Small Bore Rifle Club - £2,500.00. To purchase new equipment for the club, including jackets, slings, mats, scopes, ear defenders and targets.
Since 2011, the Fund benefited from c. £14,000 annually from the three turbines at Cnoc Na Inghinnin owned by Lairg Wind Farm Ltd. In 2017, this amount rose to £22,000 due to the wind farm capacity increasing.