Highland children celebrate new funding
No Limits Caithness and Watten School Parent Council are both celebrating as they secure funding from the Watten Windfarm Charitable Trust.
Watten School Parent Council received £7500 over a three year period to help with transportation costs for extracurricular activities. With only a school roll of 51, fundraising can be difficult and travelling to locations such as Dunnet Forest, would place a significant financial burden on parents, thus making such trips prohibitive. The award will ensure that trips can continue and pupils can go on trips which support their learning.
The grant will have a long term impact, as the children will have memories of places they have been, thanks to the buses being funded and also taking part in the science festival, swimming, music festival.
Secretary, Watten School Parent Council
No Limits Caithness received £1680 to subsidise a local’s child’s attendance at the service. The grant will provide support for the child and to ensure their full inclusion in the service.
Watten Charitable Windfarm Trust is a partnership between Watten Community Council and Foundation Scotland, it allows funds from different companies or donors, pledged for the benefit of the Watten community, to effectively be pooled together and managed as one. Currently, the Trust manages funds from Whirlwind’s Wathergar Wind Farm and RWE Innogy UK’s Bilbster Wind Farm.