Heriot fund invites local panel members
Do you take an interest in local community issues and activities? Are you keen to see funding make a real difference in Heriot?
The Heriot Community Fund Panel was established to set priorities for the use of community funds coming from the Carcant and Toddleburn Wind Farms and to advise on the distribution of grant awards to community groups and charities. The panel is supported by Foundation Scotland on behalf of the local community and SSE, which manages the Toddleburn Wind Farm Community Fund. With a few new vacancies on the panel, we're now inviting new volunteers to join.
You must be aged 16 or over and live or volunteer within the Heriot Community Council area. . If more nominations are received than spaces available, panel members will be selected through a fair and transparent process.
If you're interested in becoming a member of the panel, would like to chat about the role or receive a nomination form please get in touch with Gavin Whittacker from Heriot Community Council by email or phone 07794 361024. You can also visit the Heriot Community Council Facebook page for more information.
The deadline for nominations is Sunday 4th July.