Fund ensures well-being of elderly residents
The senior citizens of Blackford can look forward to a fun-filled 2019 thanks to the Blackford Community Fund.
The Senior Citizens Lunch Club received £1500 to fund a “spring lunch” including meal and entertainment. Whilst Blackford Highland Games received £1500 to fund the annual senior citizens outing for 2019 and Blackford Gala Day Committee received funding to contribute to the cost of a senior citizen’s outing. Both events demonstrate the panel’s commitment to supporting projects which tackle social isolation among the elderly members of the community
Other beneficiaries in the latest round included: Blackford is Brighter, Blackford Parent and Toddlers and Blackford Historical Society.
Andrew Sinclair, Blackford Community Fund Panel Chair said “Blackford Community Fund administered by Foundation Scotland is a valuable resource available to all groups which operate in the community of Blackford. It has allowed these groups to carry out projects which otherwise could not have happened.”
The Blackford Community Fund was established in 2009 with a donation to Blackford Community Council by Ochil Developments, the developer of the G West development near Blackford, and annual payments from the EDF Burnfoot Hill Wind Farm.
For more information about the fund visit Blackford Community Fund
The Fund aims to be a lasting resource for the community of Blackford by supporting community groups and charities which bring people together to enhance their quality of life and promote people’s well-being and foster a vibrant, sustainable community