Drone Hill Community Benefit Fund seeks new Panel members
Do you take an interest in local community issues and activities? Are you keen to see funding make a real difference for the communities within the Drone Hill Wind Farm area of benefit?
The Drone Hill Wind Farm Community Fund supports community projects benefiting those living in the areas covered by Reston & Auchencrow, Grantshouse, Coldingham, and Cockburnspath & Cove Community Councils. The fund is provided by Schroders Greencoat, the owners of the Drone Hill Wind Farm in East Berwickshire, and is administered by Foundation Scotland.
The fund, which opened in 2012, provides grants to support charitable activities that:
- Enhance the quality of life for local residents
- Contribute to vibrant, healthy, successful and sustainable communities
- Promote community spirit and encourage community activity
Grants may support a wide range of costs, for example, the costs of equipment, staff or sessional workers, consultations, running costs for local groups, maintenance or refurbishment of community facilities, and so on.
The Schroders Greencoat Drone Hill Wind Farm Community Fund Panel was established to set priorities for use of the Wind Farm Community Fund and to advise on the distribution of grant awards to community groups and charities.
We currently have one Panel vacancy per area. If you are interested in joining the Panel please contact Niome Lucjan at Foundation Scotland for more information. Email: niome@foundationscotland.org.uk or call on 07554695152.
Nominees must be aged 16 or over and live within four Community Council areas.