Dorenell Funds Blazing a Trail
The third year of grant-making from the Dorenell Community Benefit Fund is now well under way with some exciting projects supported in the recent round. £195,212 was awarded to seven different projects which will benefit the whole fund area in numerous ways.
A number of practical projects were supported, with key local groups such as Dufftown Highland Games, Dufftown in Bloom and Glenrinnes Community Centre all receiving funds for vital equipment – from fencing to planters, curtains, tables and chairs. Glenrinnes Community Centre is also receiving help with core running costs while it is working to improve energy efficiency and deliver more local events and activities.
Staff posts were also supported in the Glenlivet and Inveravon area. The Community Development Officer post was renewed for a further two years. There are some significant projects underway in Glenlivet including major community hall improvements and the creation of a mini observatory to augment the area’s Dark Sky status, and additional staff support will be invaluable in taking those projects forward.
The Glenlivet and Inveravon Heritage Ranger post was created in 2022 and has also been extended for a further year. The post will help attract visitors to the area all year round with quality experiences linked to the area’s outstanding heritage. Access to key local sites such as Scalan and the Pictish Stones at Inveravon, as well as a range of stargazing events in the winter season, will all help put the area on the map.
Dufftown & District Community Association (DDCA) has been awarded £30,000 to contribute to the cost of developing an affordable housing project in Dufftown. DDCA is working with Moray Council and the Communities Housing Trust on the project which will help to meet the long-term housing needs of local residents.
An award of £25,000 has been made to fund a feasibility study for a footpath network connecting the Dorenell communities. A steering group involving Dufftown and Glenrinnes community groups, along with the Moray Council Access Officer, Glenlivet & Inveravon Community Development Officer, Crown Estate and the EDF Dorenell ranger team will oversee the initial survey, design and costing work, and will then work together to get the network established. This project is the first time that the Dorenell fund decision making panel has proactively commissioned and collaborated on a project, and is a great example of the communities working together to deliver community benefit. The Fund is provided by EDF Renewables.
EDF Renewables, Director of Asset Operations, Piero Maggio said: “As we move into our third year of communities benefiting from our Wind farm fund, it's brilliant to see previous beneficiaries building on our initial support, particularly with jobs such as The Community Development Officer and Heritage Ranger being extended. We wish all successful applicants the best of luck going into 2023.”
Dorenell also provides funding for microgrant schemes which are run by each of the community associations involved in setting up and running the Fund – Cabrach Community Association; Dufftown & District Community Association; Glenlivet & Inveravon Community Association and Glenrinnes Community Centre – which allow smaller groups to apply for up to £1,000 for events, activities, equipment and projects. Community groups and charities are invited to apply for the next round of funding from Dorenell Wind Farm Community Fund. The deadlines for the year ahead are: 31st March, 31st July and 30th November. Advice on completing your application is available from the Fund Adviser Marion McDonald on 07912 759524 or email marion@foundationscotland.org.uk.