Denny and District Community Fund Facilitates Local Community Action
The appointment of a new local Community Development Officer dedicated to Denny and District aims to build community capacity and boost community activity.
This brand new post is the result of a joined-up approach kick-started by Foundation Scotland and the Denny and District Community Fund Panel with CVS Falkirk & District. The role has been made possible through community benefit funds from three local wind farms; from Nadara, which owns Earlsburn and Kingsburn Wind Farms and Netro Energy, which owns Falkirk Todhill Wind Farm.
The Denny and District Community Fund Panel, made up of residents from the Fund area, had identified that community groups in the area needed further support to bring some of their aspirations to reality. And they wanted to encourage more residents to get involved in community activity, plan new community projects, and draw down community benefit funds to fuel their progress. Ultimately, the Panel and fellow residents want to see community benefit funds supporting more and more impactful community projects, improving community life across the area.
The newly appointed Community Development Officer, Mhairi MacRaild, will support and encourage local community activity, community capacity building, and the formation of new community groups within the Denny and District Community Council area. Mhairi will also be responsible for working with residents and groups to turn community aspirations into successfully delivered community projects, some of which may be supported by the Denny and District Community Fund.
Mhairi’s post is hosted by CVS Falkirk & District, ensuring that other community training, advice and support that they provide can complement Mhairi’s day-to-day work with local groups. The new post aims to replicate the success of a similar post in Limerigg & Slamannan, which in its first year alone worked successfully with six new or enhanced projects and services, supported several new and existing community groups and local charities to apply for funding, revitalised a Community Action Plan and helped move several flagship projects and partnerships forwards. The Denny and District Community Fund Panel has said it is delighted that Mhairi is in post and encourages any groups within Denny and District to get in touch to introduce themselves.
Mary Travers is the Community Funds Adviser responsible for the management of Denny and District Community Fund at Foundation Scotland, and has worked closely with the Panel and CVS Falkirk & District to develop the joint initiative:
Through this joined up proactive approach, we're facilitating local capacity building to help turn local ideas into impactful and deliverable projects. Mhairi has hit the ground running and has already begun to meet local groups and organisations, offering help and support. Guided by the aspirations of the Denny and District Community Fund Panel and local groups, we are delighted that this co-production process has established this new post. It’s great seeing it up and running, and we look forward to the successes ahead.
CVS Falkirk & District said:
It has been a pleasure to welcome Mhairi to the CVS Falkirk team and to be able to offer this dedicated support to third sector groups in Denny and District. We know that this area benefits from the activities of many small community groups and their dedicated volunteers, through our partnership with Foundation Scotland we will help them to build their capacity and work towards achieving their aspirations for the future. We encourage any third sector groups in Denny and District to get in touch for a chat about how they can benefit from this project.
Community groups in Denny & District are encouraged to get in touch with Mhairi at CVS Falkirk & District by phone on 01324 692000, or by email: mhairi.macraild@cvsfalkirk.org.uk