Bursary boost – the story of Burnhead Moss Education & Training Fund (BMET)
CARES case study documents the history of an innovative bursary scheme supported by Burnhead Wind Farm community benefit funding.
Training and jobs are rarely far from the headlines. But many people worry that they don’t have enough money to pay for course fees, equipment, travel or childcare to take part in the training. Missing out on training opportunities can make it difficult to get a job, take up more skilled work and aspire to a more positive future. This can undermine people’s confidence and well-being. The Burnhead Moss Education & Training Fund (BMET) provides bursaries to help residents of villages in West Lothian and Falkirk overcome some of the financial barriers to training. It also covers the cost of a local outreach worker, who has played a key role in the Fund’s success.
We produced this case study telling the story of how we worked together with a Working Group of local residents and EDF Renewables to set this Fund up. This case study is part of a series of ‘best practice’ stories put together by our partner Local Energy Scotland as part of the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES).