BMET Fund trials support towards Driving Tests
Individuals aged 22-59 who live in Avonbridge & Standburn, Limerigg & Slamannan, and Blackridge may now apply for a grant towards the costs of their Driving Test for a trial period. The ability to drive helps residents access additional learning, employment and social opportunities in areas where access to services and public transport is otherwise limited.
For a limited time, the EDF Burnhead Moss Education & Training Fund (BMET) is trialling a scheme offering small grants to local residents who need to pass their driving test for the first time. Lack of access to transport often limits the range of learning, employment and social opportunities available to residents of Avonbridge & Standburn, Limerigg & Slamannan, and Blackridge - so the ability to drive can make all the difference.
A Working Group of local residents guides the BMET Fund's operations. Having received enquiries from local people who found the costs of achieving a driving licence challenging, the BMET Working Group agreed to trial a scheme offering a small one-time grant to help with the costs of sitting the Driving Test, helping people achieve their licence after investing in their own lessons.
A driving licence is a key qualification that many people take for granted. Whether its getting to and from a workplace, jobs that involve driving, or taking up training courses that run at different times of the day, a driving licence can open up a range of new opportunities, which are crucial in smaller, semi-rural locations where not everything is on the doorstep.
Given limited funds available, the scheme is targeting people who are not eligible for free bus passes through existing government schemes. Young people (aged 16-21) and senior citizens aged 60+ can do so, so the scheme is aimed at those aged 22-59, and resident in one of the areas listed above.