Award for Gala History & Heritage Association
Gala Water History and Heritage Society is celebrating after receiving an award from the EDF Energy Renewables (EDF ER) Longpark Community Fund to extend the Community Archivist post for a further year.
The Community Archivist post was established following a grant from the fund in 2015 to support the post and create an archive of local history materials for the interest, education and enjoyment of both residents and visitors to the area. The post has been a great success, with new items still being donated, meriting the extension of the post for a further year. The award of £ 12,627 will ensure the post continues until October 2018.
Heritage is what you value from the past to hand on to the future. We in Gala Water History and Heritage Association are fortunate enough to have received funding from EDF Energy Renewables Longpark Windfarm Community Benefit Fund to keep our Community Archivist in post for a further year. With a qualified person to help us research and archive the community's heritage, we are able to build a valuable sustainable resource for the present and for future generations. Most importantly, the Community Archivist can give us the tools to share this heritage with local residents and the wider world so increasing our individual and community sense of worth.
Wendy Ball, Chair of Gala Water History and Heritage Association
The Longpark Community Fund is provided by EDF Energy Renewables who own Longpark wind farm and it distributes approximately £45,000 (index-linked) each year to benefit the Parish of Stow. The fund is managed by Foundation Scotland, with decisions on awards being made by the panel which is made up of members from the local community.
We are delighted to extend this post which has already made great progress within the Gala Water History and Heritage Association. This is the kind of valuable work we designed the community benefit fund for.
Nick Bradford, Head of Asset Management at EDF Energy Renewables